"If you're on that "No-Fly List", your access to your right to bear arms is cancelled, because you're not part of the American family, you don't deserve that right. There is no right for you, if you're on that terrorist list."
That's right. If you're put on a list that is so riddled w/ errors that even Senators and Air Marshals are being flagged by it, you're no longer an American. You no longer have rights.
And Obama supporters called Bush a Fascist.
Has Rahm told Ted Kennedy that he's "not part of the American family"?
I am so sh*t I could happy all over myself...
And just think, we still have 3 years, 11 months and 2 weeks of this bullshit left to put up with...
I am going to say this, IF the Repubs don't get their act together and return to the values that made the Republican party great, a full return to America 1st Conservatism, we are screwed.
I wish I could say that this surprises me, but it doesn't.
Wait two weeks and the entire membership roll of the NRA will be on the "No-Fly List."
Does anyone know when Rahm The Thug gave that speech?
May 15, 2007 according to what I've read.
And people laughed when I told them that we were moving toward socialism and a Nazi mentality with Obama setting up his own version of the SS.
It's coming!
And what is worse than Rahm saying this (I mean, come on, who did not see it coming) is that the crowd he was speaking to applauded. Granted, that was the Brady Bunch, but it still sickens me that Americans would think that way.
My line in the sand now has foot prints all over it.
Pooh beah said it best. "Think...think think."
Rahm Emanuel has a creepy resemblance to Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, both in his appearance and his thinking.
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