Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sounds about right.

The NRA has filed against the Brady Campaign on the Federal Parks suit. According to the BC:

In the court papers filed this week, the NRA says they:

  • deny that the Brady Campaign is a grassroots membership organization or that it is involved in fighting to prevent gun violence;
  • deny that the Brady Campaign is dedicated to safety;
  • deny that the members of the Brady Campaign, if any, will face an increased risk because of the new regulation.

And this is inaccurate how?


TexasFred said...


Blago just didn't win a lot of friends in his long and rambling speech today. He addressed everything under the sun except the REAL reason he was being impeached...

In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon!!"...

Anonymous said...

Read this in my inbox this morning.

I called Doug Pennington months ago and asked how many members the BC had. He said none. Doug explained that they just send out emails to their distribution list and hope people send back cash, but they have no formal membership list.

Anonymous said...

Nothing makes me happier than to see our side on the offensive against these cretins.
