Doing the merengue in the blood of an eight year old boy killed in a tragic accident, along with a few penis comments is what he is reduced to.
Sebastian SIH takes him to task.
Update: And the Reasoned Discourse begins:
Here's the comment that I'm sure won't get 'approved'.
Sorry Bryan, when you're reduced to making dick jokes and using anonymous internet comments as sources, you really have little room to determine what is 'healthy' and 'acceptable'.
Despicable is as despicable does.
Bryan again proves his worth.
That's odd--I've commented twice this morning (once just a minute ago), and they both appeared.
It went very slowly--could he be "moderating" in real time?
I know we always kid around about the anti's not being very "with the program", but I think Thirdpower really might be on to something here....the latest rant by Miller really DOES seem to indicate a chemical imbalance. I mean really, josefina, penis size, etc... WTF??
Why am I not surprised? Anti's can't allow free exchange in the comment sections of their sites.
Speaking of such folks. DE Liberal banned me. Par for the course among the "reasoned discourse" folks.
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