Thursday, November 13, 2008

Down the memory hole..

Last June, the Chicago Tribune published an editorial calling for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. This was linked fairly heavily here and at other sites. The original link was this:,0,2350076.story

Looking back on it for a link for this post, I noticed that the article no longer said anything about repealing but instead was talking about gang violence.

Turns out my memory wasn't faulty. Some Googling found the article at "SayAnythingBlog" with the same link as I had and copy of the original article. I verified it by checking other sites linking to the same place w/ the same wording. A little further digging showed the original article now only in the Tribune blogs. The list of Opinion articles no longer shows it listed either.

Unfortunately for the Trib, the web never forgets. The keywords "Chicago Tribune Repeal Second Amendment" still had the above link as its primary so they did try and flush it down the memory hole.


Sevesteen said...

I've actually got a lot more respect for people advocating amending the constitution than I do people trying to find loopholes in it to ignore the real meaning.

Respect isn't the same as support, however.

Turk Turon said...

I guess the editors figured out that any winning argument for repealing the Second Amendment could be used against the First Amendment, with the same effect.

Kurt '45superman' Hofmann said...

I'm with you on that, Sevesteen--at least such people have the intellectual honesty to acknowledge the Constitutional protection provided for RKBA by the Second Amendment.

Unknown said...

This link seems to have it...