Monday, September 29, 2008

Felon shoots CPD officer

CPD Officer Nathaniel Taylor Jr. was murdered while serving a search warrant. The shooter, unsurprisingly, has an extensive record and was released early:

According to public records, Cooper was first convicted of burglary in 1989 and got 4 years' probation. In 1991, he was convicted of attempted murder and sentenced to 6 years in prison.

He was again convicted of burglary in 2003 and sentenced to 6 years in prison, but was released late the next year.

So, convicted felon, early release, illegal gun.

This seems to be becoming the standard.

Update: It seems the 1991 conviction was for shooting at a police officer as well. He served only 3 yrs on that one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Cooper was charged with first-degree murder, three counts of armed habitual criminal"

Armed habitual criminal?

Well, at least they have a name for it now.