Tuesday, September 16, 2008

AHSA changes the subject

Recognizing that they can't successfully defend Obama's record on firearms, Ray Schoenke tries to change the subject to taxes:
"It's important to me that our next President protects our Second Amendment rights to own guns and defend ourselves," says Schoenke. "Barack Obama and John McCain will both make sure we can keep our guns. But what about keeping our jobs?

Now why would he do that? Could it be that Obama has a horrible record on supporting firearm rights? Could it be that the AHSA really doesn't care about firearms?

These people really are a self-parody.


Anonymous said...

If they agree with both, then why not endorse both?

Oh. Right...

Anonymous said...

It's misleading to say that they changed the subject. This was an Obama ad recorded by a surrogate. The surrogate just happens to be head of AHSA. It doesn't appear that AHSA had any part in paying for it.

In fact, if you listen to it, they don't talk about AHSA first - Obama's people wanted Ray's football credentials first. I think that's the real find in the ad. His AHSA title appears to mean much less to them given the script they wrote for him.

The only thing you can pull from AHSA by this ad is that they have few qualms about having their leaders speak on other issues. I don't think I've ever seen NRA's top staff do that.