Thursday, March 20, 2008

Brady's say "We're F*cked"....

So give us money.

"As I watched the presentations to the U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday, I was constantly aware how critically, and immediately, the Justices' decision will impact gun laws that protect you and your family today, and in the future . . .

. . . from the Brady background check law and the federal machine gun ban to strong state gun laws in California, New York, Illinois, and many others.

Please help us defend these laws by making as generous a contribution as you can today to the Brady Gun Law Defense Fund.

As the Court deliberates over the next few months, your support is critical. We need to be prepared for the outcome, whatever that might be. This is no time to play wait-and-see."

Because they're f*cked and they know it. I'm not as optimistic as most about this case but watching Paul, Sarah, Daley, etc. this worried makes be a little bit more "glass half full".


Anonymous said...

I got the same message and had the same reaction.

Helmke knows his beloved Brady Bunch is circling the drain.

Melody said...

You guys are breaking my heart. Poor Sarah, Poor Paulie......

We should be more charitable. We should send boxes of Kleenex, and flowers, and a nice card saying, So glad your organization just got its ass kicked!!!

I would pay Cash money to see the look on Helmkes face when he realized the Vultures were circling.


Melody said...
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Anonymous said...

The fact that he sees the instant check and MG ban endangered is proof that he knows they don't pass constitutional muster. Whether judges will uphold them or not is a different question, but in any event:

Excuse me while I do the Happy Dance!

BobG said...

Making Helmke whimper is always a good thing.