Monday, January 28, 2008

I wonder if Obama swims?

Its official Teddy (Hic) Kennedy endorses Obama, I am so excited I could spit. I sometime wonder what is happening in a world where a drunken murder is held in high esteem. Or for that matter a creation of the media with no track record is even considered to obtain the highest office in the land. But I look at the eight years of Slick Willy I guess I have my answer. I actually read a liberal written piece actually questioning the accomplishments of slick Willy. Would appear the left is actually “eating themselves” could we be that lucky?

I started the book "Day of Reckoning", by Pat Buchanan; I have been so busy of late I have not been able to get in to it. He paints a bleak future for the democracy; one can hope he is wrong. Naomi Wolf agrees with him, and penned "The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot", another book on Melody’s pile TBD.

On the bright side I do remain optimistic when I see people coming out to stand up for the Second Amendment. I find humor when I hear a few whack jobs in south armpit Vermont want to arrest Bush for war crimes. Hey I don’t Love the guy, but the little hole called Brattleboro, basically is just a symbol that you’re “Out of the Peoples republic of Massachusetts”, and you can mash the peddle to the floor and be at Stowe in a and hour and change. Brattleboro is dead and just does not want to admit it. Truth be known the inhabitances of this little back water hole are proving that pot does kill brain cells, lots of them! So roll another fat one guys.

Well kids, wish me luck big meeting tomorrow, maybe I can get back helping you all hammer our Anti-Freedom friends.


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