Thursday, August 23, 2007

Alex needs to change his shorts again....

After linking to Gonzo

They have a few anecdotes of someone committing suicide at a range out of the millions of people visiting a year and suddenly range owners are "soulless". That along w/ his numerous other usual insults and ad hominems are about as good as it gets for the hoplophobes today.

Just to show how stupid the correlation is, ask yourself who has a higher suicide rate:

White American Males
Japanese Males
White French Males
Indian Females


Now let's look at a list of suicide rates by country:

Yeah, I know, Wiki. deal

Do we see an ownership/suicide correlation? Nope. Not there. Have a nice day.

He has, however, opened up comments. Let the games begin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gonzo isn't really worth paying attention to. I try to avoid linking to him, or even commenting on what he says, because it's just ridiculous ranting that no one bothers to read. He's worthwhile for the occasional example of a gun blog that's a total joke, but not much else.

Alex is probably going to end up in that category, though I doubt Alex is a paid shill. If he is, the gun control groups need to rethink that, becuase if they are going to pay someone to shill for them, they should pay someone who doesn't harbor tendencies toward violence, and who knows how to actually make a point. Gonzo is a joke, but I don't think he's ever threatened violence toward anyone.