Friday, February 27, 2009

Why "Gun Nuts" Oppose Registration Lists

Because the lists can be abused.

"I felt a general sense of disbelief once the officer actually began to list the firearms registered in my name."
This was a statement made by a college student who went to the campus police station after his "presence was requested".

Why was his presence requested?

Because he did an oral presentation on campus violence and stated he supported campus carry. That was enough for his professor to call the authorities.

So because one individual craps herself just hearing about concealed carry, the police had the justification to pull the list of firearms this guy owned and question him on their whereabouts.

Don't you feel reassured?


Petey said...

If this would have been me, there are three meetings to immediately have.

1) The Department Chairperson and the Dean of the particular college.

2) The University President and the Provost.

3) My Attorney.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to know where this list came from - according to my quick Googling... Conn doesn't have "registration?"

Anonymous said...

“If you can’t talk about the Second Amendment, what happened to the First Amendment?”

Yep, that about sums it up.

Anonymous said...

Conneticut does have registration of "assault weapons" but they are not particually banned. And you do need a pistol purchase permit. Maybe they are illegally keeping records too. Just like what happened with the lady in pennsylvania...

Anonymous said...

Conneticut does have registration of "assault weapons" but they are not particually banned. And you do need a pistol purchase permit. Maybe they are illegally keeping records too. Just like what happened with the lady in pennsylvania...

Anonymous said...

Seconding the question of "where the hell did this list come from?"

So far as I know, not even the BATFE can keep permanent records of non-SBR, non-silenced, etc. firearms.

Newbius said...

Sounds like someone has legitimate grounds for a legal complaint. Where is the NRA Civil Rights Defense fund when you need them??

At a minimum, the "list" is evidence of illegal record-keeping.

Did any of the LEOs think to ask the professor where she keeps her Pot? Just wondering... ;)



Anonymous said...

For clarification:

Every purchase of a handgun (FFL or private sale) in CT requires a DPS-3C form with 4 copies, 1 each for purchaser, seller, State police & local police of the purchasers town of residence.

Technically, long arms are not required to have the form used, but the state police bullies most FFL's into using them. I've only found one who will not.

That is where the registration info comes from. Of course if you move to CT or sell your firearm out of state, there will be no record.

Robert Langham said...

Request your presence? Good time to call a lawyer right there.

Chas said...

Markie Marxist sez: "Just because we Marxists are going to use the gun registration lists to round up private gun owners, and send them to the gulag where they‘ll be shot in the back of the head, doesn't mean that the lists are going to be abused."